Tuesday, March 22, 2016

1. I do believe that my stance is clear within my poster. The division of the poster supports the theme of inequality. Also, the girl with books and the girl without books also helps to enhance the theme. Lastly, the division of the poster and varying shapes helps to show how inequality effects people.

2. My thumbnails sketches looked nothing like the final project. My initial thumbnail sketch was of a scale however it did not correctly communicate my idea. I believe that if I didn't lose my project, the final digital copy would have been a lot better and would have thoroughly communciated my idea. Im satisfied with my poster but my original one is much better. I think my poster is fine and communicates the theme in an adequate way.

3. I divided my poster in to two section and I wanted there to be a little more imbalance within the poster in order to show the inequality so I divided it into three sections. Another change I made was using the same image from the internet. At first, I was going to use different images to communicate wealth v. poverty however I felt it would be more effective if I used the same girl. Like I mentioned before I cut the pile of books out of the girl in order to communicate poverty.

4. After reviewing the rubric I believe that the concept of my poster is the strongest. The quote from Bernie Sanders makes sense to the poster as a whole. Also, I think that the large amount of money on one girl and a smaller amount of money on the other are thoughtfully done and supports the concept.

5. The most challenging part of this project was trying to weave in aspects of inequality and imbalance in order to support the concept without it looking like everything is off. I needed to find a balance while trying to achieve an imbalance.

6. Technically the most difficult part of this project was everything. I find illustrator really difficult to work with. The way things are selected confused me and caused me to redo things I have moved around quite frequently.

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