Wednesday, December 23, 2015

1. My self symbol concept is supposed to induce self-confidence and strength. I am not trying to enforce gender norms however a crown is a symbol of strength and courage which is why I chose to include it in the GIF. Anyone should be able to feel strong and self empowered hence the reason I included a women with a crown. The action of the girl crowning herself further proves that she is a self empowered women as opposed to someone else crowning her. 


3. Well, I completely changed my concept. My original idea was a girl on a surfboard going through grass to represent my spontaneity and randomness.  In the first stage of the process, I used a photo from the internet but realized it wasn't correctly communicating what I wanted to communicate. I utilized the animation tools on photoshop to come reach the idea I was most happy with.

Monday, November 23, 2015

1) The concept behind my portrait was to bring life and humor to typically mundane and "gross" objects. I wanted to shrink humans onto these pieces of equipment because we are bigger than them, so I wanted to create the inverse.

2) "The Bathroom ft. Shannon"

3) I am happy with the results. I feel like I could have been more creative and changed my concept a bit but it was ok because I am happy with the end product.


5) I added one layer mask which was located on the background layer (the sink)  because I wanted Shannon to come out from behind the toilet layer. I did this by making the background black and cut out Shannon's head on a different tab and then copied and pasted it on to the layer mask. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

1. I initially was running out of ideas for my thumbnail sketch, I drew my final design as a joke in one of the boxes. I also enjoyed modifying my design because it was very different from how I originally drew it. The process was very helpful for me because I was able to see what worked as a "P" and what didn't. 
2. I made sure I used dinosaur like qualities hence the fact that I drew claws and a tail. I also used commonly associated colors to effectively demonstrate that my design was in fact a dinosaur. 
3. The biggest challenge for me was shading in the character to create depth. At first I felt that it was a very bland piece but using white and different variations of purple I created the depth I had hoped for. 
4. I am satisfied with my project for the most part. I am happy with the way my dino looks however I am unsatisfied with it's teeth. The teeth look unfinished and unpolished. Lastly, I am unhappy with the background because it is weak and doesn't make my letter pop off the page which is what I had hoped for. 
5. I would change the teeth because they are too rounded as well as change the background. I would make the teeth sharper and I would put trees in the background to make it look more like a dinosaur.  

Thursday, September 24, 2015

If not already evident by the name of my blog, my name is Olivia Levin. I spend most of my time watching buzzfeed videos, deciding what to watch on Netflix and biking. One thing I couldn't live without would be soy sauce. I am addicted.

Great picture, I know. Mother- Daughter trip to Paris.  This was the most spontaneous thing we have ever done because we booked the trip the same day we left. The sun is blaring in our eyes as we desperately try to take a selfie in front of the opera house. 

I spent many summer days with kyra at soulcycle. We went, we sweated, we conquered.
I spent the majority of the summer with them ( Abby and Kyra) because we were in a college now course together. To take a break from the heavy workload we trekked to Long Beach and soaked up the sun. Enjoy the picture below to see the beginning stage of my very painful sunburn.