Thursday, September 24, 2015

If not already evident by the name of my blog, my name is Olivia Levin. I spend most of my time watching buzzfeed videos, deciding what to watch on Netflix and biking. One thing I couldn't live without would be soy sauce. I am addicted.

Great picture, I know. Mother- Daughter trip to Paris.  This was the most spontaneous thing we have ever done because we booked the trip the same day we left. The sun is blaring in our eyes as we desperately try to take a selfie in front of the opera house. 

I spent many summer days with kyra at soulcycle. We went, we sweated, we conquered.
I spent the majority of the summer with them ( Abby and Kyra) because we were in a college now course together. To take a break from the heavy workload we trekked to Long Beach and soaked up the sun. Enjoy the picture below to see the beginning stage of my very painful sunburn.  


  1. yo olivia your blog is dead nice i like your pictures and the captions that go along with your pictures. thats pretty cool how you booked the flight the same day you left. it looks like your summer was ode fun

  2. Your summer looked so fun!!! I'm so jealous you went to Paris! It's on the top of my list. I heard Soul Cycle is great too! Very cool!

  3. Olivia!! It looked like you had such a fun summer!! I got a sunburn and I went to the beach all the time! It looks like you had such a fun summer and I love the pic of you and your mom!

  4. hahahah this made me laugh a lot! I love that you and your mom went to a random trip to Paris that is awesome! also soul cycle is the best thing ever! and I really love the selfie at the end bc I was actually curious to see how sunburn you actually got!

  5. sounds like a rad summer, hope your college course wasn't too stressful! you look a lot like your mom, same nose and everything haha

  6. Hello Olivia!! I like how your pictures show a variety of activity during your summer. I'm a little jealous that you went to Paris without me haha Just kidding. Also the last picture made me laugh (sunburn).
